How the Speaker of Lok Sabha can be Removed from Office


The Speaker of Lok Sabha can be removed from office through a resolution passed by the Lok Sabha itself. However, there are important details to consider:

  1. Required Majority: The resolution needs to be passed by an effective majority, which means more than 50% of the total strength of the Lok Sabha, not just a majority of members present and voting. This sets a high bar for removal. The Speaker may attend the meeting, but he cannot preside over it while a resolution to remove him is being considered by the House.
  2. Process: A specific notice period (14 days) is required before the resolution can be moved. The resolution should detail the charges against the Speaker and avoid defamatory statements. Only discussions relevant to the charges are allowed.
  3. Alternative Removal: Additionally, the Speaker can be removed if they become disqualified from being a member of Lok Sabha under sections 7 and 8 of the Representation of the People Act, 1951.

It’s important to remember that the Speaker plays a crucial role in ensuring fair and impartial conduct of Parliament.