Largest Producer of Palm Oil Countries in the World

Largest Producer of Palm Oil Countries in the World

 The leading producers of oil palm in the world are:

  1. Indonesia: Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of palm oil, accounting for around 60% of global production in 2022. The industry plays a significant role in the Indonesian economy, employing millions of people and generating billions of dollars in revenue.

  2. Malaysia: Malaysia is the world’s second-largest producer of palm oil, accounting for around 25% of global production in 2022. 

  3. Thailand: Thailand is the world’s third-largest producer of palm oil, accounting for around 5% of global production in 2022. 

  4. Colombia: Colombia is the world’s fourth-largest producer of palm oil, accounting for around 4% of global production in 2022. The palm oil industry has grown rapidly in Colombia in recent years, driven by government support and increasing demand for the product. However, the expansion of palm oil plantations has also raised concerns about deforestation and social conflict.

  5. Nigeria: Nigeria is the world’s fifth-largest producer of palm oil, accounting for around 3% of global production in 2022. The palm oil industry is a major source of income for many smallholder farmers in Nigeria. However, the industry has also been plagued by problems such as poor yields, low quality, and limited access to finance.