The Representation of the People Act, 1951


The Representation of the People Act, 1951 (RPA 1951) is an Act of the Parliament of India that governs the conduct of elections to the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha (the two houses of the Parliament of India) and the Legislative Assemblies and Legislative Councils of the States and Union Territories of India. It was enacted on 25 January 1950 and came into effect on 1 March 1952.

The RPA 1951 is a comprehensive legislation that deals with all aspects of the election process, including:
  • The qualifications and disqualifications of voters and candidates
  • The delimitation of constituencies
  • The registration of voters
  • The nomination of candidates
  • The conduct of polls
  • The counting of votes
  • The declaration of results
  • Election petitions

The RPA 1951 has been amended several times since it was first enacted, most recently in 2020. The amendments have been made to address changes in the Indian Constitution, to improve the electoral process, and to address new challenges such as the use of money power and muscle power in elections.

The RPA 1951 is a landmark piece of legislation that has played a vital role in the development of Indian democracy. It has ensured that elections in India are free, fair, and accessible to all citizens.