What is Breadcrumbs in Google Search Console?

google search console

In Google Search Console, “Breadcrumbs” has two meanings:

1. A navigation aid for users:

  • This refers to the small trail of links on a website that show you where you are within the site’s hierarchy.
  • Just like breadcrumbs in the Hansel and Gretel story, they help users track their navigation path and understand the site structure.
  • While Google Search Console doesn’t directly interact with this user-facing element, they provide resources on how to implement effective breadcrumbs on your website.

2. A type of structured data:

  • This refers to code you can add to your website to explicitly tell search engines like Google the hierarchy of your pages.
  • This structured data is called BreadcrumbList.
  • Google Search Console has a specific report dedicated to showing you any issues with your breadcrumb markup, helping you ensure it’s implemented correctly.

Here’s a breakdown of the key points:

User-facing Breadcrumbs:

  • Helps users navigate your website.
  • Not directly managed in Google Search Console.
  • Google provides resources on best practices.

Structured Data Breadcrumbs:

  • Code implemented on your website to communicate hierarchy to search engines.
  • Google Search Console report identifies issues with your BreadcrumbList markup.