Why are the southern slopes in Himalayan region covered with thick vegetation


Why are the southern slopes in Himalayan region covered with thick vegetation

The southern slopes of the Himalayas boast a much thicker coat of vegetation compared to their northern counterparts due to a combination of factors:
1. Monsoonal Bounty:The Southwestern Monsoon winds, carrying copious amounts of rain, primarily impact the southern slopes. This abundant rainfall provides the vital water resource necessary for plant growth and sustains the lush vegetation.

2. Sun-Kissed Slopes: The southern slopes generally receive more sunlight compared to the northern slopes due to their orientation. This increased exposure to sunlight allows for better photosynthesis, a crucial process for plant growth and development.

3. Milder Temperatures: The southern slopes experience warmer temperatures compared to the colder and often snow-capped northern slopes. These milder temperatures create a more favorable environment for plant growth and survival.

It’s important to remember that these factors work together to create a synergistic effect. The ample rainfall allows for the growth of dense vegetation, which in turn helps to retain moisture and moderate temperatures, further supporting the flourishing ecosystem on the southern slopes.